Sensibly putting fashion where it belongs. Dishing on celebrities just seems to go with it.
Sitting back, enjoying the breeze and kvetching
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Designer dumb: Daughter of Data caption contest
A lot of what designers come up with in their quest to be daring is just really stupid. I call this (think Star Trek: the Next Generation) Daughter of Data Visits the North Country. What would you call it?
Hit the 911 hotline - send your e-mail to AskSaintPat[at]yahoo[dot]com for help with your emergencies, whether of a fashion or personal nature. Advice is free and humorous.
My religious-meditative states are never mistaken for plain ol' nuttiness.
I'm a saint in the great Communion of Saints, or Christian believers. "Saintliness" as a quality of holiness has so far escaped me.
God works in mysterious ways, and He does have a sense of humor. At the point in my life when I was sure there was no one for me, there was. Now, I'm married. I'm beginning a new chapter in my spiritual life as an Episcopresbyterian.
Yes, Lord, I hear you.
Some White girl.
What's the Queen of Narnia's name?
Ice Queen.
Nightmare at Madame Tussaud's
I declare a three-way tie. I like all three.
No... Data has WAY more coloring than that.
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